Toolbox snapshot
The Reactive C++ Toolbox
No Matches
Namespaces | Classes | Typedefs | Enumerations | Functions
toolbox::sys Namespace Reference


namespace  detail


class  AsyncLogger
class  CyclTime
struct  IsoDatePolicy
struct  JDayPolicy
class  Log
class  Logger
struct  MonoClock
struct  PutTime
class  Runner
class  ScopedLogger
class  ScopedLogLevel
class  SigWait
struct  ThreadConfig
 ThreadConfig holds the thread attributes. More...
struct  WallClock


using IsoDate = IntWrapper< IsoDatePolicy >
 ISO8601 date in yyymmdd format.
using JDay = IntWrapper< JDayPolicy >
 Julian day.
using LogStream = util::OStream< MaxLogLine >
 Logger callback function.
using LogMsgPtr = StoragePtr< MaxLogLine >
using PidFile = std::unique_ptr< pidfh, detail::PidFileDeleter >
using Seconds = std::chrono::seconds
using Decis = std::chrono::duration< int64_t, std::deci >
using Millis = std::chrono::milliseconds
using Micros = std::chrono::microseconds
using Nanos = std::chrono::nanoseconds
using NanoTime = Nanos
using Duration = Nanos
using MonoTime = MonoClock::time_point
using WallTime = WallClock::time_point


enum  : std::size_t {
  CacheLineBits = 6 , CacheLineSize = 1 << CacheLineBits , PageBits = 12 , PageSize = 1 << PageBits ,
  MaxLogLine = 4096
enum class  LogLevel : int {
  None , Crit , Error , Warn ,
  Metric , Notice , Info , Debug


void close_all () noexcept
 Close all non-standard file handles.
void daemon ()
 Daemonise process. Detach from controlling terminal and run in the background as a system daemon.
constexpr auto operator""_ymd (unsigned long long val) noexcept
constexpr auto operator""_jd (unsigned long long val) noexcept
constexpr auto ymd_to_iso (int year, int mon, int mday) noexcept
 Gregorian to ISO8601 date.
constexpr auto ymd_to_jd (int year, int mon, int mday) noexcept
 Gregorian date to Julian day.
constexpr auto iso_to_jd (IsoDate iso) noexcept
 ISO8601 to Julian day.
constexpr auto jd_to_iso (JDay jd) noexcept
 Julian day to ISO8601.
constexpr std::int32_t jd_to_mjd (JDay jd) noexcept
 Juilian day to Modified Julian day. Epoch is November 17, 1858.
constexpr auto mjd_to_jd (std::int32_t mjd) noexcept
 Modified Julian day to Julian day. Epoch is November 17, 1858.
constexpr std::int32_t jd_to_tjd (JDay jd) noexcept
 Julian day to Truncated Julian day. Epoch is May 24, 1968.
constexpr JDay tjd_to_jd (std::int32_t tjd) noexcept
 Truncated Julian day to Julian day. Epoch is May 24, 1968.
constexpr WallTime jd_to_time (JDay jd) noexcept
 Julian day to Unix time.
constexpr IsoDate maybe_jd_to_iso (JDay jd) noexcept
 Julian day to ISO8601 if argument is non-zero.
constexpr JDay maybe_iso_to_jd (IsoDate iso) noexcept
 ISO8601 to Julian day if argument is non-zero.
constexpr bool is_week_day (JDay jday) noexcept
constexpr bool is_weekend_day (JDay jday) noexcept
constexpr auto parse_date (std::string_view sv) noexcept
constexpr std::optional< WallTimeparse_time (std::string_view sv) noexcept
std::error_code make_error (int err) noexcept
constexpr std::size_t ceil_cache_line (std::size_t size) noexcept
constexpr std::size_t ceil_page (std::size_t size) noexcept
LogStreamlog_stream () noexcept
Loggernull_logger () noexcept
 Null logger. This logger does nothing and is effectively /dev/null.
Loggerstd_logger () noexcept
Loggersys_logger () noexcept
 System logger. This logger calls syslog().
const charlog_label (LogLevel level) noexcept
 Return log label for given log level.
LogLevel get_log_level () noexcept
 Return current log level.
LogLevel set_log_level (LogLevel level) noexcept
 Set log level globally for all threads.
Loggerget_logger () noexcept
 Return current logger.
Loggerset_logger (Logger &logger) noexcept
 Set logger globally for all threads.
void write_log (WallTime ts, LogLevel level, LogMsgPtr &&msg, std::size_t size) noexcept
bool is_log_level (LogLevel level) noexcept
 Return true if level is less than or equal to current log level.
Loggerset_logger (std::nullptr_t) noexcept
template<typename StreamT >
requires Streamable<StreamT>
StreamToperator<< (StreamT &os, LogLevel level)
PidFile open_pid_file (const char *path, mode_t mode)
void close_pid_file (PidFile &pf) noexcept
 Close pidfile without removing it. This function should be used when forking daemon processes.
void write_pid_file (PidFile &pf)
 Write process' PID into pidfile.
void sig_block_all ()
 Block all signals.
cpu_set_t parse_cpu_set (string_view s) noexcept
int parse_sched_policy (string_view s)
void set_thread_attrs (const ThreadConfig &config)
TOOLBOX_WEAK Nanos get_time (clockid_t clock_id) noexcept
template<typename RepT , typename PeriodT >
constexpr bool is_zero (std::chrono::duration< RepT, PeriodT > d) noexcept
template<typename ClockT >
constexpr bool is_zero (std::chrono::time_point< ClockT, Duration > t) noexcept
template<typename ClockT , typename DurationT >
constexpr DurationT time_since_epoch (std::chrono::time_point< ClockT, Duration > t) noexcept
template<typename ClockT >
constexpr std::int64_t ms_since_epoch (std::chrono::time_point< ClockT, Duration > t) noexcept
template<typename ClockT >
constexpr std::int64_t us_since_epoch (std::chrono::time_point< ClockT, Duration > t) noexcept
template<typename ClockT >
constexpr std::int64_t ns_since_epoch (std::chrono::time_point< ClockT, Duration > t) noexcept
template<typename ClockT , typename RepT , typename PeriodT >
constexpr auto to_time (std::chrono::duration< RepT, PeriodT > d) noexcept
template<typename ClockT >
constexpr auto to_time (timeval tv) noexcept
template<typename ClockT >
constexpr auto to_time (timespec ts) noexcept
template<typename RepT , typename PeriodT >
constexpr timeval to_timeval (std::chrono::duration< RepT, PeriodT > d) noexcept
template<typename ClockT >
constexpr timeval to_timeval (std::chrono::time_point< ClockT, Duration > t) noexcept
template<typename RepT , typename PeriodT >
constexpr timespec to_timespec (std::chrono::duration< RepT, PeriodT > d) noexcept
template<typename ClockT >
constexpr timespec to_timespec (std::chrono::time_point< ClockT, Duration > t) noexcept
template<typename StreamT >
requires Streamable<StreamT>
StreamToperator<< (StreamT &os, MonoTime t)
template<typename StreamT >
requires Streamable<StreamT>
StreamToperator<< (StreamT &os, WallTime t)
template<typename DurationT = Seconds>
auto put_time (WallTime t, const char *fmt) noexcept
template<typename DurationT , typename StreamT >
requires Streamable<StreamT>
StreamToperator<< (StreamT &os, PutTime< DurationT > pt)
constexpr bool is_zero (timeval tv) noexcept
void clear (timeval &tv) noexcept
timeval operator+ (timeval lhs, timeval rhs) noexcept
timeval operator- (timeval lhs, timeval rhs) noexcept
constexpr bool is_zero (timespec ts) noexcept
void clear (timespec &ts) noexcept
timespec operator+ (timespec lhs, timespec rhs) noexcept
timespec operator- (timespec lhs, timespec rhs) noexcept
constexpr auto parse_nanos (std::string_view sv) noexcept
constexpr std::optional< Nanosparse_time_only (std::string_view sv) noexcept

Typedef Documentation

◆ IsoDate

ISO8601 date in yyymmdd format.

Definition at line 30 of file Date.hpp.

◆ JDay

Julian day.

Definition at line 38 of file Date.hpp.

◆ LogStream

Logger callback function.

Definition at line 28 of file Log.hpp.

◆ LogMsgPtr

Definition at line 52 of file Logger.hpp.

◆ PidFile

Definition at line 34 of file PidFile.hpp.

◆ Seconds

using toolbox::sys::Seconds = typedef std::chrono::seconds

Definition at line 33 of file Time.hpp.

◆ Decis

using toolbox::sys::Decis = typedef std::chrono::duration<int64_t, std::deci>

Definition at line 34 of file Time.hpp.

◆ Millis

using toolbox::sys::Millis = typedef std::chrono::milliseconds

Definition at line 35 of file Time.hpp.

◆ Micros

using toolbox::sys::Micros = typedef std::chrono::microseconds

Definition at line 36 of file Time.hpp.

◆ Nanos

using toolbox::sys::Nanos = typedef std::chrono::nanoseconds

Definition at line 37 of file Time.hpp.

◆ NanoTime

Definition at line 39 of file Time.hpp.

◆ Duration

Definition at line 40 of file Time.hpp.

◆ MonoTime

Definition at line 110 of file Time.hpp.

◆ WallTime

Definition at line 111 of file Time.hpp.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ anonymous enum

anonymous enum : std::size_t

Maximum log line size.

Definition at line 29 of file Limits.hpp.

◆ LogLevel















Definition at line 33 of file Logger.hpp.

Function Documentation

◆ close_all()

TOOLBOX_API void toolbox::sys::close_all ( )

Close all non-standard file handles.

Definition at line 27 of file Daemon.cpp.

◆ daemon()

TOOLBOX_API void toolbox::sys::daemon ( )

Daemonise process. Detach from controlling terminal and run in the background as a system daemon.

Definition at line 36 of file Daemon.cpp.

◆ operator""_ymd()

constexpr auto toolbox::sys::operator""_ymd ( unsigned long long  val)

Definition at line 32 of file Date.hpp.

◆ operator""_jd()

constexpr auto toolbox::sys::operator""_jd ( unsigned long long  val)

Definition at line 40 of file Date.hpp.

◆ ymd_to_iso()

constexpr auto toolbox::sys::ymd_to_iso ( int  year,
int  mon,
int  mday 

Gregorian to ISO8601 date.

Definition at line 46 of file Date.hpp.

◆ ymd_to_jd()

constexpr auto toolbox::sys::ymd_to_jd ( int  year,
int  mon,
int  mday 

Gregorian date to Julian day.

Definition at line 54 of file Date.hpp.

◆ iso_to_jd()

constexpr auto toolbox::sys::iso_to_jd ( IsoDate  iso)

ISO8601 to Julian day.

Definition at line 69 of file Date.hpp.

◆ jd_to_iso()

constexpr auto toolbox::sys::jd_to_iso ( JDay  jd)

Julian day to ISO8601.

Definition at line 79 of file Date.hpp.

◆ jd_to_mjd()

constexpr std::int32_t toolbox::sys::jd_to_mjd ( JDay  jd)

Juilian day to Modified Julian day. Epoch is November 17, 1858.

Definition at line 100 of file Date.hpp.

◆ mjd_to_jd()

constexpr auto toolbox::sys::mjd_to_jd ( std::int32_t  mjd)

Modified Julian day to Julian day. Epoch is November 17, 1858.

Definition at line 106 of file Date.hpp.

◆ jd_to_tjd()

constexpr std::int32_t toolbox::sys::jd_to_tjd ( JDay  jd)

Julian day to Truncated Julian day. Epoch is May 24, 1968.

Definition at line 112 of file Date.hpp.

◆ tjd_to_jd()

constexpr JDay toolbox::sys::tjd_to_jd ( std::int32_t  tjd)

Truncated Julian day to Julian day. Epoch is May 24, 1968.

Definition at line 118 of file Date.hpp.

◆ jd_to_time()

constexpr WallTime toolbox::sys::jd_to_time ( JDay  jd)

Julian day to Unix time.

Definition at line 124 of file Date.hpp.

◆ maybe_jd_to_iso()

constexpr IsoDate toolbox::sys::maybe_jd_to_iso ( JDay  jd)

Julian day to ISO8601 if argument is non-zero.

Definition at line 134 of file Date.hpp.

◆ maybe_iso_to_jd()

constexpr JDay toolbox::sys::maybe_iso_to_jd ( IsoDate  iso)

ISO8601 to Julian day if argument is non-zero.

Definition at line 140 of file Date.hpp.

◆ is_week_day()

constexpr bool toolbox::sys::is_week_day ( JDay  jday)

Definition at line 145 of file Date.hpp.

◆ is_weekend_day()

constexpr bool toolbox::sys::is_weekend_day ( JDay  jday)

Definition at line 150 of file Date.hpp.

◆ parse_date()

constexpr auto toolbox::sys::parse_date ( std::string_view  sv)

Date represented in UTC (Universal Time Coordinated, also known as "GMT") in YYYYMMDD format. This special-purpose field is paired with UTCTimeOnly to form a proper UTCTimestamp for bandwidth-sensitive messages.

Valid values:

  • YYYY = 0000-9999;
  • MM = 01-12;
  • DD = 01-31.

Definition at line 163 of file Date.hpp.

◆ parse_time()

constexpr std::optional< WallTime > toolbox::sys::parse_time ( std::string_view  sv)

Time/date combination represented in UTC (Universal Time Coordinated, also known as "GMT") in either YYYYMMDD-HH:MM:SS (whole seconds) or YYYYMMDD-HH:MM:SS.sss (milliseconds) format, colons, dash, and period required.

Valid values:

  • YYYY = 0000-9999;
  • MM = 01-12;
  • DD = 01-31;
  • HH = 00-23;
  • MM = 00-59;
  • SS = 00-60 (60 only if UTC leap second);
  • sss = 000-999 (indicating milliseconds).

Definition at line 181 of file Date.hpp.

◆ make_error()

std::error_code toolbox::sys::make_error ( int  err)

◆ ceil_cache_line()

constexpr std::size_t toolbox::sys::ceil_cache_line ( std::size_t  size)

Definition at line 38 of file Limits.hpp.

◆ ceil_page()

constexpr std::size_t toolbox::sys::ceil_page ( std::size_t  size)

Definition at line 43 of file Limits.hpp.

◆ log_stream()

TOOLBOX_API LogStream & toolbox::sys::log_stream ( )

Thread-local log stream. This thread-local instance of OStream can be used to format log messages before writing them the log.

Definition at line 26 of file Log.cpp.

◆ null_logger()

TOOLBOX_API Logger & toolbox::sys::null_logger ( )

Null logger. This logger does nothing and is effectively /dev/null.

Definition at line 154 of file Logger.cpp.

◆ std_logger()

TOOLBOX_API Logger & toolbox::sys::std_logger ( )

Standard logger. This logger writes to stdout if the log level is greater than LogWarn, and stdout otherwise.

Definition at line 159 of file Logger.cpp.

◆ sys_logger()

TOOLBOX_API Logger & toolbox::sys::sys_logger ( )

System logger. This logger calls syslog().

Definition at line 164 of file Logger.cpp.

◆ log_label()

TOOLBOX_API const char * toolbox::sys::log_label ( LogLevel  level)

Return log label for given log level.

Definition at line 169 of file Logger.cpp.

◆ get_log_level()

TOOLBOX_API LogLevel toolbox::sys::get_log_level ( )

Return current log level.

Definition at line 174 of file Logger.cpp.

◆ set_log_level()

TOOLBOX_API LogLevel toolbox::sys::set_log_level ( LogLevel  level)

Set log level globally for all threads.

Definition at line 179 of file Logger.cpp.

◆ get_logger()

TOOLBOX_API Logger & toolbox::sys::get_logger ( )

Return current logger.

Definition at line 184 of file Logger.cpp.

◆ set_logger() [1/2]

TOOLBOX_API Logger & toolbox::sys::set_logger ( Logger logger)

Set logger globally for all threads.

Definition at line 189 of file Logger.cpp.

◆ write_log()

TOOLBOX_API void toolbox::sys::write_log ( WallTime  ts,
LogLevel  level,
LogMsgPtr &&  msg,
std::size_t  size 

Unconditionally write log message to the logger. Specifically, this function does not check that level is allowed by the current log level; users are expected to call is_log_level() first, before formatting the log message.

Definition at line 194 of file Logger.cpp.

Referenced by toolbox::sys::Log::~Log().

◆ is_log_level()

bool toolbox::sys::is_log_level ( LogLevel  level)

Return true if level is less than or equal to current log level.

Definition at line 71 of file Logger.hpp.

◆ set_logger() [2/2]

Logger & toolbox::sys::set_logger ( std::nullptr_t  )

Definition at line 85 of file Logger.hpp.

◆ operator<<() [1/4]

template<typename StreamT >
requires Streamable<StreamT>
StreamT & toolbox::sys::operator<< ( StreamT os,
LogLevel  level 

Definition at line 205 of file Logger.hpp.

◆ open_pid_file()

TOOLBOX_API PidFile toolbox::sys::open_pid_file ( const char path,
mode_t  mode 

Create pidfile and obtain lock. An exception is thrown if the pidfile cannot be locked, because a daemon is already running. If the path argument is null, then /var/run/{progname}.pid is used as the pidfile location.

Definition at line 38 of file PidFile.cpp.

◆ close_pid_file()

TOOLBOX_API void toolbox::sys::close_pid_file ( PidFile pf)

Close pidfile without removing it. This function should be used when forking daemon processes.

Definition at line 51 of file PidFile.cpp.

◆ write_pid_file()

TOOLBOX_API void toolbox::sys::write_pid_file ( PidFile pf)

Write process' PID into pidfile.

Definition at line 58 of file PidFile.cpp.

◆ sig_block_all()

TOOLBOX_API void toolbox::sys::sig_block_all ( )

Block all signals.

Definition at line 82 of file Signal.cpp.

Referenced by toolbox::sys::Runner< RunnableT >::operator=().

◆ parse_cpu_set()

TOOLBOX_API cpu_set_t toolbox::sys::parse_cpu_set ( std::string_view  s)

Parse an isolcpus-style set of CPUs.

The CPU set is either a list: "<cpu>,...,<cpu>", or a range: "<cpu>-<cpu>", or a combination or both: "<cpu>,...,<cpu>-<cpu>", where "<cpu>" begins at 0 and the maximum value is "number of CPUs in system - 1". For example: "0,1,10-11,22-23".

sAn isolcpus-style set of CPUs.
a copy of the CPU set.

Definition at line 35 of file Thread.cpp.

◆ parse_sched_policy()

TOOLBOX_API int toolbox::sys::parse_sched_policy ( std::string_view  s)

Parse scheduler policy name, where

sis one of: other, fifo, rr, batch or idle.

Realtime scheduling policies are: fifo and rr.

sThe policy name.
the policy.

Definition at line 51 of file Thread.cpp.

◆ set_thread_attrs()

TOOLBOX_API void toolbox::sys::set_thread_attrs ( const ThreadConfig config)

Set attributes for current thread from config.

configThe configuration.

Definition at line 70 of file Thread.cpp.

Referenced by toolbox::sys::Runner< RunnableT >::operator=().

◆ get_time()

TOOLBOX_API NanoTime toolbox::sys::get_time ( clockid_t  clock_id)

Definition at line 25 of file Time.cpp.

Referenced by toolbox::sys::MonoClock::now(), and toolbox::sys::WallClock::now().

◆ is_zero() [1/4]

template<typename RepT , typename PeriodT >
constexpr bool toolbox::sys::is_zero ( std::chrono::duration< RepT, PeriodT d)

Definition at line 153 of file Time.hpp.

◆ is_zero() [2/4]

template<typename ClockT >
constexpr bool toolbox::sys::is_zero ( std::chrono::time_point< ClockT, Duration t)

Definition at line 159 of file Time.hpp.

◆ time_since_epoch()

constexpr DurationT toolbox::sys::time_since_epoch ( std::chrono::time_point< ClockT, Duration t)

Definition at line 165 of file Time.hpp.

◆ ms_since_epoch()

template<typename ClockT >
constexpr std::int64_t toolbox::sys::ms_since_epoch ( std::chrono::time_point< ClockT, Duration t)

Definition at line 173 of file Time.hpp.

◆ us_since_epoch()

template<typename ClockT >
constexpr std::int64_t toolbox::sys::us_since_epoch ( std::chrono::time_point< ClockT, Duration t)

Definition at line 180 of file Time.hpp.

◆ ns_since_epoch()

template<typename ClockT >
constexpr std::int64_t toolbox::sys::ns_since_epoch ( std::chrono::time_point< ClockT, Duration t)

Definition at line 187 of file Time.hpp.

◆ to_time() [1/3]

constexpr auto toolbox::sys::to_time ( std::chrono::duration< RepT, PeriodT d)

Definition at line 195 of file Time.hpp.

◆ to_time() [2/3]

template<typename ClockT >
constexpr auto toolbox::sys::to_time ( timeval  tv)

Definition at line 202 of file Time.hpp.

◆ to_time() [3/3]

template<typename ClockT >
constexpr auto toolbox::sys::to_time ( timespec  ts)

Definition at line 209 of file Time.hpp.

◆ to_timeval() [1/2]

template<typename RepT , typename PeriodT >
constexpr timeval toolbox::sys::to_timeval ( std::chrono::duration< RepT, PeriodT d)

Definition at line 216 of file Time.hpp.

◆ to_timeval() [2/2]

template<typename ClockT >
constexpr timeval toolbox::sys::to_timeval ( std::chrono::time_point< ClockT, Duration t)

Definition at line 224 of file Time.hpp.

◆ to_timespec() [1/2]

template<typename RepT , typename PeriodT >
constexpr timespec toolbox::sys::to_timespec ( std::chrono::duration< RepT, PeriodT d)

Definition at line 231 of file Time.hpp.

Referenced by toolbox::sys::SigWait::operator()().

◆ to_timespec() [2/2]

template<typename ClockT >
constexpr timespec toolbox::sys::to_timespec ( std::chrono::time_point< ClockT, Duration t)

Definition at line 239 of file Time.hpp.

◆ operator<<() [2/4]

template<typename StreamT >
requires Streamable<StreamT>
StreamT & toolbox::sys::operator<< ( StreamT os,
MonoTime  t 

Definition at line 247 of file Time.hpp.

◆ operator<<() [3/4]

template<typename StreamT >
requires Streamable<StreamT>
StreamT & toolbox::sys::operator<< ( StreamT os,
WallTime  t 

Definition at line 255 of file Time.hpp.

◆ put_time()

template<typename DurationT = Seconds>
auto toolbox::sys::put_time ( WallTime  t,
const char fmt 

Definition at line 268 of file Time.hpp.

◆ operator<<() [4/4]

template<typename DurationT , typename StreamT >
requires Streamable<StreamT>
StreamT & toolbox::sys::operator<< ( StreamT os,
PutTime< DurationT pt 

Definition at line 275 of file Time.hpp.

◆ is_zero() [3/4]

constexpr bool toolbox::sys::is_zero ( timeval  tv)

Definition at line 297 of file Time.hpp.

◆ clear() [1/2]

void toolbox::sys::clear ( timeval tv)

Definition at line 302 of file Time.hpp.

◆ operator+() [1/2]

timeval toolbox::sys::operator+ ( timeval  lhs,
timeval  rhs 

Definition at line 307 of file Time.hpp.

◆ operator-() [1/2]

timeval toolbox::sys::operator- ( timeval  lhs,
timeval  rhs 

Definition at line 319 of file Time.hpp.

◆ is_zero() [4/4]

constexpr bool toolbox::sys::is_zero ( timespec  ts)

Definition at line 331 of file Time.hpp.

◆ clear() [2/2]

void toolbox::sys::clear ( timespec ts)

Definition at line 336 of file Time.hpp.

◆ operator+() [2/2]

timespec toolbox::sys::operator+ ( timespec  lhs,
timespec  rhs 

Definition at line 341 of file Time.hpp.

◆ operator-() [2/2]

timespec toolbox::sys::operator- ( timespec  lhs,
timespec  rhs 

Definition at line 353 of file Time.hpp.

◆ parse_nanos()

constexpr auto toolbox::sys::parse_nanos ( std::string_view  sv)

Parse fractional nanoseconds.

svString of decimal digits.

Definition at line 368 of file Time.hpp.

◆ parse_time_only()

constexpr std::optional< Nanos > toolbox::sys::parse_time_only ( std::string_view  sv)

Time-only represented in UTC (Universal Time Coordinated, also known as "GMT") in either HH:MM:SS (whole seconds) or HH:MM:SS.sss (milliseconds) format, colons, and period required. This special-purpose field is paired with UTCDateOnly to form a proper UTCTimestamp for bandwidth-sensitive messages. Valid values: HH = 00-23, MM = 00-59, SS = 00-5960 (60 only if UTC leap second) (without milliseconds). HH = 00-23, MM = 00-59, SS = 00-5960 (60 only if UTC leap second), sss=000-999 (indicating milliseconds).

Definition at line 407 of file Time.hpp.