Toolbox snapshot
The Reactive C++ Toolbox
No Matches
Namespaces | Classes | Typedefs | Enumerations | Functions | Variables
toolbox Namespace Reference


namespace  bm
namespace  detail
namespace  hdr
 A C++ port of HdrHistogram_c written Michael Barker and released to the public domain.
namespace  http
namespace  io
namespace  net
namespace  os
namespace  resp
namespace  sys
namespace  util


class  Alarm
struct  Allocator
struct  AlwaysFalse
class  App
class  ArgvLexer
class  ArgvSequence
 Utility class that allows an argv array to be treated as a sequence. More...
class  ArrayView
class  AsyncLogger
class  BasicConn
class  BasicDisposer
class  BasicHandle
class  BasicParser
class  BasicServ
class  BasicSlot
class  BasicTrans
class  BasicUrl
struct  BucketConfig
 Bucket configuration. More...
class  Buffer
class  Config
 Simple config reader with environment variable substitution. More...
class  CountAddedIterator
 CountAddedIterator is a recorded value iterator. More...
class  CyclTime
struct  DgramProtocol
struct  DgramSock
 Connectionless Datagram Socket. All state is in base class, so object can be sliced. More...
class  Epoll
struct  ErrMsg
class  EventFd
struct  Exception
struct  FilePolicy
class  FileWatcher
 FileWatcher watches for changes to files. More...
class  Finally
struct  FunctionTraits
 Default case for functors and lambdas. More...
struct  FunctionTraits< ReturnT(*)(ArgsT...) noexcept >
 Specialisation for noexcept free functions. More...
struct  FunctionTraits< ReturnT(*)(ArgsT...)>
 Specialisation for free functions. More...
struct  FunctionTraits< ReturnT(ClassT::*)(ArgsT...) const >
 Specialisation for const member functions. More...
struct  FunctionTraits< ReturnT(ClassT::*)(ArgsT...) const noexcept >
 Specialisation for const noexcept member functions. More...
struct  FunctionTraits< ReturnT(ClassT::*)(ArgsT...) noexcept >
 Specialisation for noexcept member functions. More...
struct  FunctionTraits< ReturnT(ClassT::*)(ArgsT...)>
 Specialisation for member functions. More...
class  Help
class  Histogram
 A High Dynamic Range (HDR) Histogram. More...
struct  Hook
struct  Id16Policy
struct  Id32Policy
struct  Id64Policy
class  Inotify
 Inotify provides a simplified interface to an inotify instance. More...
struct  IntPolicy
struct  IntWrapper
struct  IoSock
struct  IpMcastGroup
struct  is_decay_to_cstring
struct  is_decay_to_cstring_helper
struct  is_decay_to_cstring_helper< T * >
struct  is_instantiation_of
struct  is_instantiation_of_helper
struct  is_instantiation_of_helper< Tpl< Ts... >, Tpl >
struct  is_string_type
struct  IsoDatePolicy
class  Iterator
 Iterator is the base iterator for all iterator types. More...
struct  JDayPolicy
class  LinearIterator
 LinearIterator is a linear value iterator. More...
class  Log
class  Logger
class  LogIterator
 LogIterator is a logarithmic value iterator. More...
struct  McastSock
 Connectionless Datagram Socket. All state is in base class, so object can be sliced. More...
struct  MonoClock
struct  MsgEvent
class  MultiConfig
class  NoOp
class  Options
class  OStaticStream
class  OStream
class  OStreamIterator
struct  overloaded
class  PercentileIterator
 PercentileIterator is a percentile iterator. More...
class  Presence
struct  PutPercentiles
struct  PutTime
class  RateLimit
class  RateWindow
 RateWindow maintains a sliding window of second time buckets for the specified interval. More...
class  Reactor
class  ReactorRunner
class  RecordedIterator
 RecordedIterator is a recorded value iterator. More...
class  RefCount
 Base class for atomic referenced counted objects. More...
class  Request
class  Resolver
class  RingBuffer
class  Runner
class  ScopedLogger
class  ScopedLogLevel
class  SigWait
struct  Sock
class  StaticStreamBuf
class  StreamAcceptor
class  StreamBuf
class  StreamConnector
class  StreamInserter
struct  StreamProtocol
struct  StreamSockClnt
 Active Client Stream Socket. All state is in base class, so object can be sliced. More...
struct  StreamSockServ
 Passive Server Stream Socket. All state is in base class, so object can be sliced. More...
struct  string_hash
class  StringBuf
 String buffer with fixed upper-bound. More...
class  Switch
class  TaskQueue
 A vector-based task queue for use in multi-threaded, producer-consumer components. More...
struct  TcpProtocol
struct  ThreadConfig
 ThreadConfig holds the thread attributes. More...
struct  ThreadSafePolicy
struct  ThreadUnsafePolicy
class  Timer
class  TimerFd
class  TimerPool
class  TimerQueue
class  Tokeniser
struct  TransTraits
struct  TypeTraits
struct  TypeTraits< bool >
struct  TypeTraits< DgramEndpoint >
struct  TypeTraits< double >
struct  TypeTraits< std::chrono::duration< RepT, PeriodT > >
struct  TypeTraits< std::string >
struct  TypeTraits< std::string_view >
struct  TypeTraits< StreamEndpoint >
struct  TypeTraits< ValueT >
struct  TypeTraits< Version >
struct  TypeTraits< WallTime >
struct  UdpProtocol
struct  UnixDgramProtocol
struct  UnixStreamProtocol
class  Url
class  UrlView
class  Value
class  VarAccum
class  VarSub
 Variable substitution. More...
struct  Version
class  Waker
struct  WallClock
struct  WatchFile
struct  WatchFilePolicy


using Conn = BasicConn< Request, App >
using Headers = std::vector< std::pair< std::string, std::string > >
using Serv = BasicServ< Conn, App >
using ConstBuffer = boost::asio::const_buffer
using MutableBuffer = boost::asio::mutable_buffer
using EpollEvent = epoll_event
using FileHandle = BasicHandle< FilePolicy >
using HookList = boost::intrusive::list< Hook, boost::intrusive::constant_time_size< false > >
using WatchFileHandle = BasicHandle< WatchFilePolicy >
using IoSlot = BasicSlot< CyclTime, int, unsigned >
using HistogramPtr = std::unique_ptr< Histogram >
using MetricCallbackFunction = std::function< void(CyclTime now, HistogramPtr &&time_hist, HistogramPtr &&work_hist)>
 MetricCallbackFunction implementer is responsible for deleting the Histogram.
using LoopCallbackFunction = std::function< void(CyclTime now)>
 LoopCallbackFunction called at end of each Reactor loop, indicating micros taken and work done.
using TimerSlot = BasicSlot< CyclTime, Timer & >
template<typename ProtocolT >
using BasicEndpoint = boost::asio::generic::basic_endpoint< ProtocolT >
using DgramEndpoint = BasicEndpoint< DgramProtocol >
using StreamEndpoint = BasicEndpoint< StreamProtocol >
template<typename ProtocolT >
using IpEndpoint = boost::asio::ip::basic_endpoint< ProtocolT >
using UdpEndpoint = IpEndpoint< UdpProtocol >
using TcpEndpoint = IpEndpoint< TcpProtocol >
template<typename ProtocolT >
using UnixEndpoint = boost::asio::local::basic_endpoint< ProtocolT >
using UnixDgramEndpoint = UnixEndpoint< UnixDgramProtocol >
using UnixStreamEndpoint = UnixEndpoint< UnixStreamProtocol >
using IpAddr = boost::asio::ip::address
using IpAddrV4 = boost::asio::ip::address_v4
using IpAddrV6 = boost::asio::ip::address_v6
using AddrInfoFuture = std::future< AddrInfoPtr >
using AddrInfoPtr = std::unique_ptr< addrinfo, void(*)(addrinfo *)>
using IsoDate = IntWrapper< IsoDatePolicy >
 ISO8601 date in yyymmdd format.
using JDay = IntWrapper< JDayPolicy >
 Julian day.
using LogStream = util::OStream< MaxLogLine >
 Logger callback function.
using LogMsgPtr = StoragePtr< MaxLogLine >
using PidFile = std::unique_ptr< pidfh, detail::PidFileDeleter >
using Seconds = std::chrono::seconds
using Decis = std::chrono::duration< int64_t, std::deci >
using Millis = std::chrono::milliseconds
using Micros = std::chrono::microseconds
using Nanos = std::chrono::nanoseconds
using NanoTime = Nanos
using Duration = Nanos
using MonoTime = MonoClock::time_point
using WallTime = WallClock::time_point
using Int16Policy = IntPolicy< std::int16_t >
using Int32Policy = IntPolicy< std::int32_t >
using Int64Policy = IntPolicy< std::int64_t >
using Id16 = IntWrapper< Id16Policy >
 16 bit identifier.
using Id32 = IntWrapper< Id32Policy >
 32 bit identifier.
using Id64 = IntWrapper< Id64Policy >
 64 bit identifier.
template<typename KeyT >
using RobinHash = robin_hood::hash< KeyT >
 Robin Hood hash function template.
template<typename KeyT , typename ValueT , typename HashT = RobinHash<KeyT>, typename KeyEqualT = std::equal_to<KeyT>, std::size_t MaxLoadFactor100N = 80>
using RobinMap = robin_hood::unordered_map< KeyT, ValueT, HashT, KeyEqualT, MaxLoadFactor100N >
template<typename KeyT , typename ValueT , typename HashT = RobinHash<KeyT>, typename KeyEqualT = std::equal_to<KeyT>, std::size_t MaxLoadFactor100N = 80>
using RobinFlatMap = robin_hood::unordered_flat_map< KeyT, ValueT, HashT, KeyEqualT, MaxLoadFactor100N >
 Robin Hood unordered flat map.
template<typename KeyT , typename ValueT , typename HashT = RobinHash<KeyT>, typename KeyEqualT = std::equal_to<KeyT>, std::size_t MaxLoadFactor100N = 80>
using RobinNodeMap = robin_hood::unordered_node_map< KeyT, ValueT, HashT, KeyEqualT, MaxLoadFactor100N >
 Robin Hood unordered node map.
template<typename KeyT , typename HashT = RobinHash<KeyT>, typename KeyEqualT = std::equal_to<KeyT>, std::size_t MaxLoadFactor100N = 80>
using RobinSet = robin_hood::unordered_set< KeyT, HashT, KeyEqualT, MaxLoadFactor100N >
template<typename KeyT , typename HashT = RobinHash<KeyT>, typename KeyEqualT = std::equal_to<KeyT>, std::size_t MaxLoadFactor100N = 80>
using RobinFlatSet = robin_hood::unordered_flat_set< KeyT, HashT, KeyEqualT, MaxLoadFactor100N >
 Robin Hood unordered flat set.
template<typename KeyT , typename HashT = RobinHash<KeyT>, typename KeyEqualT = std::equal_to<KeyT>, std::size_t MaxLoadFactor100N = 80>
using RobinNodeSet = robin_hood::unordered_node_set< KeyT, HashT, KeyEqualT, MaxLoadFactor100N >
 Robin Hood unordered node set.
template<std::size_t SizeN>
using StoragePtr = std::unique_ptr< void, detail::StorageDeleter< SizeN > >
using OStreamJoiner = std::experimental::ostream_joiner< char >
using sv = std::string_view
template<std::size_t N>
using Row = std::array< std::string_view, N >
template<typename T >
using is_string = is_instantiation_of< T, std::basic_string >
template<typename T >
using is_string_view = is_instantiation_of< T, std::basic_string_view >


enum class  First : bool { No = false , Yes = true }
enum class  NoCache : bool { No = false , Yes = true }
enum class  Method : int {
  Delete = HTTP_DELETE , Get = HTTP_GET , Head = HTTP_HEAD , Post = HTTP_POST ,
  Put = HTTP_PUT , Connect = HTTP_CONNECT , Options = HTTP_OPTIONS , Trace = HTTP_TRACE ,
  Copy = HTTP_COPY , Lock = HTTP_LOCK , MkCol = HTTP_MKCOL , Move = HTTP_MOVE ,
  PropFind = HTTP_PROPFIND , PropPatch = HTTP_PROPPATCH , Search = HTTP_SEARCH , Unlock = HTTP_UNLOCK ,
  Bind = HTTP_BIND , Rebind = HTTP_REBIND , Unbind = HTTP_UNBIND , Acl = HTTP_ACL ,
  Report = HTTP_REPORT , MkActivity = HTTP_MKACTIVITY , Checkout = HTTP_CHECKOUT , Merge = HTTP_MERGE ,
  MSearch = HTTP_MSEARCH , Notify = HTTP_NOTIFY , Subscribe = HTTP_SUBSCRIBE , Unsubscribe = HTTP_UNSUBSCRIBE ,
  Patch = HTTP_PATCH , Purge = HTTP_PURGE , MkCalendar = HTTP_MKCALENDAR , Link = HTTP_LINK ,
  Unlink = HTTP_UNLINK , Source = HTTP_SOURCE
enum class  Status : int {
enum class  Type : int { Request = HTTP_REQUEST , Response = HTTP_RESPONSE }
enum  : unsigned {
  EpollIn = EPOLLIN , EpollOut = EPOLLOUT , EpollRdHup = EPOLLRDHUP , EpollPri = EPOLLPRI ,
  EpollErr = EPOLLERR , EpollHup = EPOLLHUP , EpollEt = EPOLLET , EpollOneShot = EPOLLONESHOT
enum class  Priority { High = 0 , Low = 1 }
enum class  Type : char {
  None = '\0' , CommandLine = '\1' , SimpleString = '+' , Error = '-' ,
  Integer = ':' , BulkString = '$' , Array = '*'
 Type is an enumeration of the RESP data-types currently supported. More...
enum  : std::size_t {
  CacheLineBits = 6 , CacheLineSize = 1 << CacheLineBits , PageBits = 12 , PageSize = 1 << PageBits ,
  MaxLogLine = 4096
enum class  LogLevel : int {
  None , Crit , Error , Warn ,
  Metric , Notice , Info , Debug
enum class  Test : int { Foo = 1 , Bar = 2 , Baz = 4 , Qux = 8 }


int64_t min (const Histogram &h) noexcept
int64_t max (const Histogram &h) noexcept
int64_t value_at_percentile (const Histogram &h, double percentile) noexcept
double mean (const Histogram &h) noexcept
double stddev (const Histogram &h) noexcept
auto put_percentiles (const Histogram &h, std::int32_t ticks_per_half_distance, double value_scale) noexcept
template<typename StreamT >
requires Streamable<StreamT>
StreamToperator<< (StreamT &os, PutPercentiles pp)
const std::error_category & error_category () noexcept
std::error_code make_error_code (Status status)
Status http_status (const std::error_code &ec)
const charenum_string (Status status) noexcept
const charenum_string (Method method) noexcept
template<typename StreamT >
requires Streamable<StreamT>
StreamToperator<< (StreamT &os, Method method)
template<typename StreamT >
requires Streamable<StreamT>
StreamToperator<< (StreamT &os, Status status)
ConstBuffer advance (ConstBuffer buf, std::size_t n) noexcept
MutableBuffer advance (MutableBuffer buf, std::size_t n) noexcept
template<typename DataT >
void emplace_event (MsgEvent &ev, int type) noexcept
template<typename DataT , typename... ArgsT>
void emplace_event (MsgEvent &ev, int type, ArgsT &&... args) noexcept
template<typename DataT >
const DataTdata (const MsgEvent &ev) noexcept
template<typename DataT >
DataTdata (MsgEvent &ev) noexcept
std::size_t file_size (int fd)
 Get file size.
mode_t file_mode () noexcept
 Get current file mode.
void set_non_block (int fd, std::error_code &ec) noexcept
void set_non_block (int fd)
template<typename PolicyT >
constexpr bool operator== (const BasicHandle< PolicyT > &lhs, const BasicHandle< PolicyT > &rhs)
template<typename PolicyT >
constexpr bool operator!= (const BasicHandle< PolicyT > &lhs, const BasicHandle< PolicyT > &rhs)
void dispatch (CyclTime now, const HookList &l) noexcept
constexpr bool operator== (WatchFile lhs, WatchFile rhs)
constexpr bool operator!= (WatchFile lhs, WatchFile rhs)
FileHandle inotify_init (int flags, std::error_code &ec) noexcept
 Initialise an inotify instance.
FileHandle inotify_init (std::error_code &ec) noexcept
 Initialise an inotify instance.
FileHandle inotify_init (int flags=0)
WatchFileHandle inotify_add_watch (int fd, const char *path, std::uint32_t mask, std::error_code &ec) noexcept
 Add a watch to an initialised inotify instance.
WatchFileHandle inotify_add_watch (int fd, const char *path, std::uint32_t mask)
 Add a watch to an initialised inotify instance.
void intrusive_ptr_release (Timer::Impl *impl) noexcept
void intrusive_ptr_add_ref (Timer::Impl *impl) noexcept
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Timer &tmr)
constexpr std::uint16_t bswap (std::uint16_t n) noexcept
constexpr std::int16_t bswap (std::int16_t n) noexcept
constexpr std::uint32_t bswap (std::uint32_t n) noexcept
constexpr std::int32_t bswap (std::int32_t n) noexcept
constexpr std::uint64_t bswap (std::uint64_t n) noexcept
constexpr std::int64_t bswap (std::int64_t n) noexcept
template<typename ValueT >
requires std::integral<ValueT>
constexpr ValueT ntoh (ValueT n) noexcept
template<typename ValueT >
requires std::integral<ValueT>
constexpr ValueT hton (ValueT n) noexcept
template<typename ValueT >
requires std::integral<ValueT>
constexpr ValueT ltoh (ValueT n) noexcept
template<typename ValueT >
requires std::integral<ValueT>
constexpr ValueT htol (ValueT n) noexcept
AddrInfoPtr parse_endpoint (string_view uri, int type)
istream & operator>> (istream &is, DgramEndpoint &ep)
istream & operator>> (istream &is, StreamEndpoint &ep)
DgramEndpoint parse_dgram_endpoint (std::string_view uri)
StreamEndpoint parse_stream_endpoint (std::string_view uri)
template<typename StreamT , class T >
requires Streamable<StreamT> && std::same_as<T, DgramEndpoint>
StreamToperator<< (StreamT &os, const T &ep)
template<typename StreamT , class T >
requires Streamable<StreamT> && std::same_as<T, StreamEndpoint>
StreamToperator<< (StreamT &os, const T &ep)
const std::error_category & gai_error_category () noexcept
std::error_code make_gai_error_code (int err) noexcept
constexpr std::uint16_t get_length (const char *buf, std::endian net_byte_order) noexcept
std::uint16_t get_length (ConstBuffer buf, std::endian net_byte_order) noexcept
void put_length (char *buf, std::uint16_t len, std::endian net_byte_order) noexcept
void put_length (MutableBuffer buf, std::uint16_t len, std::endian net_byte_order) noexcept
template<typename FnT >
std::size_t parse_frame (ConstBuffer buf, FnT fn, std::endian net_byte_order)
template<typename FnT >
std::size_t parse_frame (std::string_view buf, FnT fn, std::endian net_byte_order)
template<typename ProtocolT >
std::pair< IoSock, IoSocksocketpair (ProtocolT protocol)
void join_group (int sockfd, const IpMcastGroup &group, std::error_code &ec) noexcept
 Join a multicast group.
void join_group (int sockfd, const IpMcastGroup &group)
 Join a multicast group.
void join_group (int sockfd, const IpAddr &addr, unsigned ifindex, std::error_code &ec) noexcept
 Join a multicast group.
void join_group (int sockfd, const IpAddr &addr, unsigned ifindex)
 Join a multicast group.
void join_group (int sockfd, const IpAddr &addr, const char *ifname, std::error_code &ec) noexcept
 Join a multicast group. The system will choose an appropriate interface if ifname is null.
void join_group (int sockfd, const IpAddr &addr, const char *ifname)
 Join a multicast group. The system will choose an appropriate interface if ifname is null.
void leave_group (int sockfd, const IpMcastGroup &group, std::error_code &ec) noexcept
 Leave a multicast group.
void leave_group (int sockfd, const IpMcastGroup &group)
 Leave a multicast group.
void leave_group (int sockfd, const IpAddr &addr, unsigned ifindex, std::error_code &ec) noexcept
 Leave a multicast group.
void leave_group (int sockfd, const IpAddr &addr, unsigned ifindex)
 Leave a multicast group.
void leave_group (int sockfd, const IpAddr &addr, const char *ifname, std::error_code &ec) noexcept
 Leave a multicast group. The system will leave on the first matching interface if ifname is null.
void leave_group (int sockfd, const IpAddr &addr, const char *ifname)
 Leave a multicast group. The system will leave on the first matching interface if ifname is null.
void set_ip_mcast_if (int sockfd, int family, unsigned ifindex, std::error_code &ec) noexcept
void set_ip_mcast_if (int sockfd, int family, unsigned ifindex)
void set_ip_mcast_if (int sockfd, int family, const char *ifname, std::error_code &ec) noexcept
void set_ip_mcast_if (int sockfd, int family, const char *ifname)
void set_ip_mcast_loop (int sockfd, int family, bool enabled, std::error_code &ec) noexcept
 Determines whether sent multicast packets should be looped back to the local sockets.
void set_ip_mcast_loop (int sockfd, int family, bool enabled)
 Determines whether sent multicast packets should be looped back to the local sockets.
void set_ip_mcast_ttl (int sockfd, int family, int ttl, std::error_code &ec) noexcept
 Set or read the time-to-live value of outgoing multicast packets for this socket.
void set_ip_mcast_ttl (int sockfd, int family, int ttl)
 Set or read the time-to-live value of outgoing multicast packets for this socket.
RateLimit parse_rate_limit (const string &s)
istream & operator>> (istream &is, RateLimit &rl)
template<typename StreamT >
requires Streamable<StreamT>
StreamToperator<< (StreamT &os, RateLimit rl)
template<typename EndpointT >
EndpointT get_endpoint (AddrInfoFuture &future)
 Wait for future and convert result to endpoint.
template<typename ResultT >
bool is_ready (std::future< ResultT > &future)
 Returns true if future is ready.
AddrInfoPtr get_unix_addrinfo (std::string_view path, int type)
 Create an addrinfo structure for a Unix domain address.
template<typename EndpointT >
void get_sock_name (int sockfd, EndpointT &ep, std::error_code &ec) noexcept
template<typename EndpointT >
void get_sock_name (int sockfd, EndpointT &ep)
std::error_code get_so_error (int sockfd, std::error_code &ec) noexcept
std::error_code get_so_error (int sockfd)
int get_so_rcv_buf (int sockfd, std::error_code &ec) noexcept
int get_so_rcv_buf (int sockfd)
int get_so_snd_buf (int sockfd, std::error_code &ec) noexcept
int get_so_snd_buf (int sockfd)
bool is_tcp_no_delay (int sockfd, std::error_code &ec) noexcept
bool is_tcp_no_delay (int sockfd)
void set_so_rcv_buf (int sockfd, int size, std::error_code &ec) noexcept
void set_so_rcv_buf (int sockfd, int size)
void set_so_reuse_addr (int sockfd, bool enabled, std::error_code &ec) noexcept
void set_so_reuse_addr (int sockfd, bool enabled)
void set_so_snd_buf (int sockfd, int size, std::error_code &ec) noexcept
void set_so_snd_buf (int sockfd, int size)
void set_tcp_no_delay (int sockfd, bool enabled, std::error_code &ec) noexcept
void set_tcp_no_delay (int sockfd, bool enabled)
void set_tcp_syn_nt (int sockfd, int retrans, std::error_code &ec) noexcept
void set_tcp_syn_nt (int sockfd, int retrans)
void close_all () noexcept
 Close all non-standard file handles.
void daemon ()
 Daemonise process. Detach from controlling terminal and run in the background as a system daemon.
constexpr auto operator""_ymd (unsigned long long val) noexcept
constexpr auto operator""_jd (unsigned long long val) noexcept
constexpr auto ymd_to_iso (int year, int mon, int mday) noexcept
 Gregorian to ISO8601 date.
constexpr auto ymd_to_jd (int year, int mon, int mday) noexcept
 Gregorian date to Julian day.
constexpr auto iso_to_jd (IsoDate iso) noexcept
 ISO8601 to Julian day.
constexpr auto jd_to_iso (JDay jd) noexcept
 Julian day to ISO8601.
constexpr std::int32_t jd_to_mjd (JDay jd) noexcept
 Juilian day to Modified Julian day. Epoch is November 17, 1858.
constexpr auto mjd_to_jd (std::int32_t mjd) noexcept
 Modified Julian day to Julian day. Epoch is November 17, 1858.
constexpr std::int32_t jd_to_tjd (JDay jd) noexcept
 Julian day to Truncated Julian day. Epoch is May 24, 1968.
constexpr JDay tjd_to_jd (std::int32_t tjd) noexcept
 Truncated Julian day to Julian day. Epoch is May 24, 1968.
constexpr WallTime jd_to_time (JDay jd) noexcept
 Julian day to Unix time.
constexpr IsoDate maybe_jd_to_iso (JDay jd) noexcept
 Julian day to ISO8601 if argument is non-zero.
constexpr JDay maybe_iso_to_jd (IsoDate iso) noexcept
 ISO8601 to Julian day if argument is non-zero.
constexpr bool is_week_day (JDay jday) noexcept
constexpr bool is_weekend_day (JDay jday) noexcept
constexpr auto parse_date (std::string_view sv) noexcept
constexpr std::optional< WallTimeparse_time (std::string_view sv) noexcept
std::error_code make_error (int err) noexcept
constexpr std::size_t ceil_cache_line (std::size_t size) noexcept
constexpr std::size_t ceil_page (std::size_t size) noexcept
LogStreamlog_stream () noexcept
Loggernull_logger () noexcept
 Null logger. This logger does nothing and is effectively /dev/null.
Loggerstd_logger () noexcept
Loggersys_logger () noexcept
 System logger. This logger calls syslog().
const charlog_label (LogLevel level) noexcept
 Return log label for given log level.
LogLevel get_log_level () noexcept
 Return current log level.
LogLevel set_log_level (LogLevel level) noexcept
 Set log level globally for all threads.
Loggerget_logger () noexcept
 Return current logger.
Loggerset_logger (Logger &logger) noexcept
 Set logger globally for all threads.
void write_log (WallTime ts, LogLevel level, LogMsgPtr &&msg, std::size_t size) noexcept
bool is_log_level (LogLevel level) noexcept
 Return true if level is less than or equal to current log level.
Loggerset_logger (std::nullptr_t) noexcept
template<typename StreamT >
requires Streamable<StreamT>
StreamToperator<< (StreamT &os, LogLevel level)
PidFile open_pid_file (const char *path, mode_t mode)
void close_pid_file (PidFile &pf) noexcept
 Close pidfile without removing it. This function should be used when forking daemon processes.
void write_pid_file (PidFile &pf)
 Write process' PID into pidfile.
void sig_block_all ()
 Block all signals.
cpu_set_t parse_cpu_set (string_view s) noexcept
int parse_sched_policy (string_view s)
void set_thread_attrs (const ThreadConfig &config)
TOOLBOX_WEAK Nanos get_time (clockid_t clock_id) noexcept
template<typename RepT , typename PeriodT >
constexpr bool is_zero (std::chrono::duration< RepT, PeriodT > d) noexcept
template<typename ClockT >
constexpr bool is_zero (std::chrono::time_point< ClockT, Duration > t) noexcept
template<typename ClockT , typename DurationT >
constexpr DurationT time_since_epoch (std::chrono::time_point< ClockT, Duration > t) noexcept
template<typename ClockT >
constexpr std::int64_t ms_since_epoch (std::chrono::time_point< ClockT, Duration > t) noexcept
template<typename ClockT >
constexpr std::int64_t us_since_epoch (std::chrono::time_point< ClockT, Duration > t) noexcept
template<typename ClockT >
constexpr std::int64_t ns_since_epoch (std::chrono::time_point< ClockT, Duration > t) noexcept
template<typename ClockT , typename RepT , typename PeriodT >
constexpr auto to_time (std::chrono::duration< RepT, PeriodT > d) noexcept
template<typename ClockT >
constexpr auto to_time (timeval tv) noexcept
template<typename ClockT >
constexpr auto to_time (timespec ts) noexcept
template<typename RepT , typename PeriodT >
constexpr timeval to_timeval (std::chrono::duration< RepT, PeriodT > d) noexcept
template<typename ClockT >
constexpr timeval to_timeval (std::chrono::time_point< ClockT, Duration > t) noexcept
template<typename RepT , typename PeriodT >
constexpr timespec to_timespec (std::chrono::duration< RepT, PeriodT > d) noexcept
template<typename ClockT >
constexpr timespec to_timespec (std::chrono::time_point< ClockT, Duration > t) noexcept
template<typename StreamT >
requires Streamable<StreamT>
StreamToperator<< (StreamT &os, MonoTime t)
template<typename StreamT >
requires Streamable<StreamT>
StreamToperator<< (StreamT &os, WallTime t)
template<typename DurationT = Seconds>
auto put_time (WallTime t, const char *fmt) noexcept
template<typename DurationT , typename StreamT >
requires Streamable<StreamT>
StreamToperator<< (StreamT &os, PutTime< DurationT > pt)
constexpr bool is_zero (timeval tv) noexcept
void clear (timeval &tv) noexcept
timeval operator+ (timeval lhs, timeval rhs) noexcept
timeval operator- (timeval lhs, timeval rhs) noexcept
constexpr bool is_zero (timespec ts) noexcept
void clear (timespec &ts) noexcept
timespec operator+ (timespec lhs, timespec rhs) noexcept
timespec operator- (timespec lhs, timespec rhs) noexcept
constexpr auto parse_nanos (std::string_view sv) noexcept
constexpr std::optional< Nanosparse_time_only (std::string_view sv) noexcept
TOOLBOX_WEAK voidallocate (size_t size)
TOOLBOX_WEAK void deallocate (void *ptr, size_t size) noexcept
TOOLBOX_API voidallocate (std::size_t size)
TOOLBOX_API void deallocate (void *ptr, std::size_t size) noexcept
template<typename ValueT , std::size_t SizeN>
constexpr std::size_t array_size (const ValueT(&)[SizeN]) noexcept
template<typename ValueT >
constexpr ArrayView< std::remove_volatile_t< ValueT > > make_array_view (const ValueT *ptr, std::size_t len) noexcept
template<typename ValueT , std::size_t SizeN>
constexpr ArrayView< std::remove_cv_t< ValueT > > make_array_view (ValueT(&arr)[SizeN]) noexcept
template<typename FnT >
std::istream & parse_section (std::istream &is, FnT fn, std::string *name=nullptr)
template<typename EnumT >
requires Enum<EnumT>
constexpr EnumT box (typename std::underlying_type_t< EnumT > val) noexcept
template<typename EnumT >
requires Enum<EnumT>
constexpr std::underlying_type_t< EnumTunbox (EnumT val) noexcept
constexpr Test operator""_test (unsigned long long val) noexcept
const charenum_string (Test t)
ostream & operator<< (ostream &os, Test t)
ErrMsgerr_msg () noexcept
template<typename ValueT >
ErrMsgoperator<< (ErrMsg &err, ValueT &&val)
template<typename ExceptionT >
auto put_as_json (const ExceptionT &e)
template<typename ExceptionT >
auto put_with_code (const ExceptionT &e)
template<typename FnT >
auto make_finally (FnT fn) noexcept
template<typename PolicyT >
std::size_t hash_value (IntWrapper< PolicyT > wrapper)
constexpr Id16 operator""_id16 (unsigned long long val) noexcept
constexpr Id32 operator""_id32 (unsigned long long val) noexcept
constexpr Id64 operator""_id64 (unsigned long long val) noexcept
constexpr bool is_pow2 (std::size_t n) noexcept
unsigned next_pow2 (unsigned n) noexcept
unsigned long next_pow2 (unsigned long n) noexcept
template<int BitsN>
constexpr std::size_t ceil_pow2 (std::size_t size) noexcept
double var (const VarAccum &v) noexcept
double varp (const VarAccum &v) noexcept
double stdev (const VarAccum &v) noexcept
double stdevp (const VarAccum &v) noexcept
double zscore (double mean, double sd, double val) noexcept
double pctile95 (double mean, double sd) noexcept
double pctile99 (double mean, double sd) noexcept
double pctile999 (double mean, double sd) noexcept
constexpr std::size_t ceil (std::size_t dividend, std::size_t divisor) noexcept
constexpr std::uint64_t pow10 (int n) noexcept
template<typename StreamT >
requires Streamable<StreamT>
StreamToperator<< (StreamT &out, const Options &options)
std::mt19937_64 & mt19937_64_rng () noexcept
template<class IntT >
IntT randint (IntT a, IntT b)
template<typename DerivedT , typename PolicyT >
void intrusive_ptr_add_ref (const RefCount< DerivedT, PolicyT > *ptr) noexcept
template<typename DerivedT , typename PolicyT >
void intrusive_ptr_release (const RefCount< DerivedT, PolicyT > *ptr) noexcept
template<typename ValueT , typename... ArgsT>
boost::intrusive_ptr< ValueTmake_intrusive (ArgsT &&... args)
template<auto FnT>
constexpr auto bind () noexcept
template<typename ClassT >
constexpr auto bind (ClassT *obj) noexcept
template<auto MemFnT, typename ClassT = typename FunctionTraits<decltype(MemFnT)>::ClassType>
constexpr auto bind (ClassT *obj) noexcept
template<std::size_t SizeN>
StoragePtr< SizeNmake_storage ()
 Returns a block of dynamic storage acquired from the custom allocator.
TOOLBOX_API void reset (std::ostream &os) noexcept
template<auto DelimT, typename ArgT , typename... ArgsT>
void join (std::ostream &os, const ArgT &arg, const ArgsT &... args)
template<typename OStreamT , typename FnT >
auto make_stream_inserter (FnT fn)
 Returns a StreamInserter object, automatically deducing functor type from arguments.
void ltrim (string_view &s) noexcept
void ltrim (string &s) noexcept
void rtrim (string_view &s) noexcept
void rtrim (string &s) noexcept
pair< string_view, string_view > split_pair (string_view s, string_view delim) noexcept
pair< string_view, string_view > split_pair (string_view s, char delim) noexcept
pair< string, string > split_pair (const string &s, string_view delim)
pair< string, string > split_pair (const string &s, char delim)
template<typename ValueT >
constexpr ValueT from_string (std::string_view sv)
template<typename ValueT >
constexpr ValueT from_string (const std::string &s)
template<typename ValueT >
constexpr ValueT from_string (const char *s)
template<typename ValueT >
std::string to_string (ValueT &&val)
template<typename ValueT >
requires Arithmetic<ValueT>
std::string to_string (ValueT &&val)
template<std::size_t SizeN>
constexpr std::string_view to_string_view (const char(&val)[SizeN]) noexcept
void trim (std::string_view &s) noexcept
void trim (std::string &s) noexcept
std::string_view ltrim_copy (std::string_view s) noexcept
std::string ltrim_copy (std::string s) noexcept
std::string_view rtrim_copy (std::string_view s) noexcept
std::string rtrim_copy (std::string s) noexcept
std::string_view trim_copy (std::string_view s) noexcept
std::string trim_copy (std::string s) noexcept
template<char PadC>
constexpr std::size_t pstrlen (const char *src, std::size_t n) noexcept
template<char PadC, std::size_t SizeN>
constexpr std::size_t pstrlen (const char(&src)[SizeN]) noexcept
template<char PadC>
constexpr std::size_t pstrcpy (char *dst, const char *src, std::size_t n) noexcept
template<char PadC, std::size_t SizeN>
constexpr std::size_t pstrcpy (char(&dst)[SizeN], const char *src) noexcept
template<char PadC>
constexpr std::size_t pstrcpy (char *dst, std::string_view src, std::size_t n) noexcept
template<char PadC, std::size_t SizeN>
constexpr std::size_t pstrcpy (char(&dst)[SizeN], std::string_view src) noexcept
template<char PadC>
constexpr std::size_t pstrcpyid (char *dst, std::int64_t id, std::size_t n) noexcept
template<char PadC, std::size_t SizeN>
constexpr std::size_t pstrcpyid (char(&dst)[SizeN], std::int64_t id) noexcept
template<char PadC>
constexpr std::size_t lpstrlen (const char *src, std::size_t n) noexcept
template<char PadC, std::size_t SizeN>
constexpr std::size_t lpstrlen (const char(&src)[SizeN]) noexcept
template<char PadC>
constexpr std::size_t lpstrcpy (char *dst, const char *src, std::size_t n) noexcept
template<char PadC, std::size_t SizeN>
constexpr std::size_t lpstrcpy (char(&dst)[SizeN], const char *src) noexcept
template<char PadC>
constexpr std::size_t lpstrcpy (char *dst, std::string_view src, std::size_t n) noexcept
template<char PadC, std::size_t SizeN>
constexpr std::size_t lpstrcpy (char(&dst)[SizeN], std::string_view src) noexcept
template<typename... ArgsT>
std::string make_string (ArgsT &&... args)
template<std::size_t MaxN>
constexpr std::string_view operator+ (const StringBuf< MaxN > &s) noexcept
template<std::size_t MaxN, typename StreamT >
requires Streamable<StreamT>
StreamToperator<< (StreamT &os, const StringBuf< MaxN > &rhs)
template<typename... TagsT, typename... ValuesT>
constexpr bool empty (const detail::Struct< detail::Member< TagsT, ValuesT >... > &s)
template<typename... TagsT, typename... ValuesT>
constexpr std::size_t size (const detail::Struct< detail::Member< TagsT, ValuesT >... > &s)
template<typename TagT , typename... TagsT, typename... ValuesT>
constexpr bool has (const detail::Struct< detail::Member< TagsT, ValuesT >... > &s, TagT tag={})
template<typename TagT , typename... TagsT, typename... ValuesT>
constexpr const autoget (const detail::Struct< detail::Member< TagsT, ValuesT >... > &s, TagT tag={})
template<typename TagT , typename... TagsT, typename... ValuesT>
constexpr autoget (detail::Struct< detail::Member< TagsT, ValuesT >... > &s, TagT tag={})
template<typename FnT >
constexpr std::size_t parse_line (std::string_view buf, FnT fn)
template<std::size_t N>
constexpr void split (std::string_view line, std::string_view delims, Row< N > &row) noexcept
bool stob (string_view sv, bool dfl) noexcept
double stod (std::string_view sv, double dfl) noexcept
template<typename ValueT >
autoremove_const (const ValueT &ref)
constexpr bool isdigit (int c) noexcept
template<typename ValueT >
requires std::unsigned_integral<ValueT>
constexpr int dec_digits (ValueT i) noexcept
template<typename ValueT >
requires std::signed_integral<ValueT>
constexpr int dec_digits (ValueT i) noexcept
template<typename UIntegerT >
requires std::unsigned_integral<UIntegerT>
constexpr int hex_digits (UIntegerT i) noexcept
template<typename ValueT >
requires std::integral<ValueT> || std::same_as<ValueT, double>
constexpr ValueT ston (std::string_view sv) noexcept
constexpr std::string_view bool_to_alpha (bool b) noexcept
template<class... Ts>
 overloaded (Ts...) -> overloaded< Ts... >
string get_env (const string &name)
template<typename StreamT >
requires Streamable<StreamT>
StreamToperator<< (StreamT &os, Version ver)
std::size_t hash_value (toolbox::Version ver)


constexpr char ApplicationJson [] {"application/json"}
constexpr char TextHtml [] {"text/html"}
constexpr char TextPlain [] {"text/plain"}
constexpr Duration NoTimeout {-1}
constexpr std::size_t MaxErrSize {511}
 Maximum error message length.
constexpr detail::ResetState reset_state {}
 I/O manipulator that resets I/O state.
constexpr auto Struct = detail::Struct<>{}
template<typename T , template< typename... > class Tpl>
constexpr bool is_instantiation_of_v = is_instantiation_of<T, Tpl>::value
template<typename T >
constexpr bool is_string_v = is_string<T>::value
template<typename T >
constexpr bool is_string_view_v = is_string_view<T>::value
template<typename T >
constexpr bool is_decay_to_cstring_v = is_decay_to_cstring<T>::value
template<typename T >
constexpr bool is_string_type_v = is_string_type<T>::value

Function Documentation

◆ allocate() [1/2]

void * toolbox::allocate ( size_t  size)

Definition at line 25 of file Allocator.cpp.

Referenced by toolbox::util::Allocator::operator new().

◆ deallocate() [1/2]

void toolbox::deallocate ( void ptr,
size_t  size 

◆ allocate() [2/2]

TOOLBOX_API void * toolbox::allocate ( std::size_t  size)

◆ deallocate() [2/2]

TOOLBOX_API void toolbox::deallocate ( void ptr,
std::size_t  size 